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Our most recent event:  


South West Waste Recycling Forum Summer Meeting

‘Difficult to Recycle Items’

6 July 2022, 2pm – 3.30pm, via MS Teams

Welcome - Laura Snoulton (Vice Chair of SWWRF), 5 minutes


SWWRF Exec overview, vacant positions and future meetings discussion - Laura Snoulton (Vice Chair of SWWRF), 15 minutes


Presentation 1: Ocean plastics recycling project - Matt Hulland (Resource Recovery Manager, Exeter City Council), 20 minutes

Presentation 2: Coffee capsule recycling - Will French (Partnership Development Manager, Podback), 20 minutes

Presentation 3: Community RePaint project - Dan Everard (Community RePaint Network Coordinator), 20 minutes

AoB, final questions and meeting close - Laura Snoulton (Vice Chair of SWWRF), 10 minutes

For those who were not able to make the most recent event the recording is in the 'documents' section' of the website, but you will need to become an approved site member if you re not already. 


Requesting to attend a SWWRF meeting


By completing a SWWRF booking form to attend a SWWRF meeting, conference, site visit, training session, you give SWWRF Exec permission to contact you about those events, including relevant and timely follow-up information from speakers and an evaluation survey from us about the session. Delegate booking information is collated using third-party software called Survey Monkey. Once downloaded, delegate data for each event will be held relevant SWWRF Exec Officers and held on server(s) for administrative organisation. SWWRF will not share contact details with any other third parties without your permission, except for emergency services if it should become appropriate.


For some events it may be necessary to share some delegate information with host organisations, for example to satisfy health and safety requirements for some site visits.  In these circumstances, SWWRF aims to notify you of the need to share your contact information with a named third party on the booking form. Alternatively, SWWRF will contact you to gain your permission to share relevant contact details with a named third party where this is necessary or helpful to facilitate the event or follow-up from training.


SWWRF event delegate data will be kept no longer than 2 years. SWWRF aims to delete event mailing lists annually.

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