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Rudolph the Re-use Reindeer

The SWWRF 'Rudolph the Re-use Reindeer' Christmas event was held on 7 December 2016 at the Guildhall in Bath and focused on re-use initiatives across the south west.

Bringing together representatives from member organisations, speakers at the event demonstrated how hitting the top of the waste hierarchy is being achieved and highlighted the cost effectiveness, social value and local economic benefits re-use brings.

The re-use focused event had speakers from the Prison Partnership with Torbay Council, University of Bath in conjunction with Collecteco, The Bristol and Taunton Children’s Scrapstore shop case studies, and Devon County Council’s increasing re-use participation schemes. These speakers were complemented with talks about unique recycling promotion opportunities with Lidvertise, and findings from the National Household Waste & Recycling Public Satisfaction Survey at the Dorset Waste Partnership recycling centres.

SWWRF Chairman, Dave Moore said ‘This was another successful event with a good turn out and a fascinating range of guest speakers demonstrating how excellent sustainable partnerships are being forged together and have the potential to expand across the South West.

‘As member organisation budgets get tighter these were great examples of how schemes to save money and benefit local communities can be introduced as part of waste minimisation strategies.

‘SWWRF is keen to continue to provide events focusing on ‘hot topics’ in the recycling and waste industry. Additionally we also welcome any new members to join and benefit from the excellent training and networking opportunities we provide.’

A local charity, Foodcycle kindly provided lunch with a wide range of soups, cakes and snacks that are made from unwanted food products from supermarkets that would have gone to waste without intervention. Dedicated Foodcycle volunteers work tirelessly providing delicious meals to those living on the breadline. To find out more visit

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