SWWRF Horizon Planning Workshop
As Members are aware, the second round of Defra consultations on extended producer responsibility (EPR), deposit return schemes (DRS) and collections consistency recently closed.
Local authorities now have increasing clarity on the likely impacts of the forthcoming Environment Bill on their future waste and recycling services, but need to plan for this.
This training workshop facilitated by Resource Futures held on Thursday 14th October 2021 for all SWWRF members provided an overview of three key areas of consideration that waste professionals should be informed about.
This 1.5 hour virtual session aims provided an overview of why now could be the right time to conduct an options appraisal exercise and for local authorities to review their waste strategy, providing an overview of how each of these are delivered. For those authorities who will need to procure new contracts in response to these legislative and policy changes, insight was provided to the considerations necessary to conduct an effective procurement exercise.
