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"Wasted Food: it’s a Crying Shame! Preventing food waste and helping tackle the surplus".

Our most recent event took place in conjunction with the Chartered Institute of Waste Management via webinar on Thursday 5th November 2020.

As a nation, the UK continues to waste a shocking amount of good, edible food. For many people, food wastage is immoral and just plain wrong, but in addition there are also significant cost and carbon related impacts.

Despite some recent good progress and collaborative working such as the UK’s Food Waste Reduction Roadmap in preventing waste and tacking the surplus (especially distribution to charities) much more needs to be done in order to meet global Sustainable Development Goals. Our expert panel of speakers discussed: • National policy, data and trends; • Innovative local authority funded projects; • Case Studies featuring: • Successful food waste prevention and redistribution schemes operating in the SW; and • Major SW food companies/retailers that are helping to tackle the problem. The event was hosted by Hannah Lawrie, Chair CIWM SW with the expert guest speakers consisting of:

Household food waste in the UK: the big picture and latest trends Helen White, Special Advisor Household Food Waste, Wrap Field to fork waste prevention Emma Croft, Projects Officer Food Waste Prevention, Devon County Council A local solution for food surplus: tackling food poverty in the SW Ian Poyser, Charity Support Worker, Devon and Cornwall Food Action Reducing food waste and tackling poverty, hunger, and social isolation in a rural area: a case study from Cornwall Anthony Weight, Trustee - Cornwall Food Action Continuous improvement and waste prevention Conner Rutlidge, Operational Support Manager, Burts Snacks Driving out food waste in a retail environment James Steel, Lidl


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